Declaring a major hunter college

A student at Hunter College must earn a total of 120 credits to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. These 120 credits must include credits to satisfy the Hunter Core Requirement (up to 42 credits) and to satisfy the requirements of a major field of study (major).

Credits for the Hunter Core and for a major usually do not add up to 120. A student may reach the necessary 120 credits by completing an additional major, a minor field of study (minor), a certificate program, or by taking elective courses.

Please note: New York State law requires a minimum number of liberal arts and science courses for undergraduate degrees, as follows:

BA 75% of credits towards the degree, 90 credits
BS 50% of credits towards the degree, 60 credits
BMus, BFA 30% of credits towards the degree, 40 credits

Declaring a Major

Students should confer with their advisor and can declare a major by visiting this page. Some majors require an application, audition/and or entrance exam. For a complete list, please visit: same website… and departmental websites.

All matriculated students must declare a major no later than the semester in which the combination of credits earned and credits for which they are currently registered totals 60 or greater. Transfer students entering with 60 credits or more must declare their major before the end of their first semester of attendance at Hunter.

Requirements for a Major

All matriculated students must declare a major no later than the semester in which the combination of credits earned and credits for which they are currently registered totals 60 or greater. Transfer students entering with 60 credits or more must declare their major before the end of their first semester of attendance at Hunter. Students may find that some courses and career opportunities are available to them only if they have declared a major. In addition, under New York State guidelines, students who have not yet declared a major by the 61-credit point are ineligible for TAP financial aid. To declare or change a major, a student should get a major declaration form from the OASIS, Room 217 Hunter North and confer with an adviser in the major department.

For students who are nearing the 61-credit point and remain undecided about their choice of major, there are a number of avenues of assistance. Designated faculty in each academic department advise prospective majors about the undergraduate programs and related career possibilities. Also, the advisors in the Office of Student Services and Career Development Services offer assistance in choosing a major. The college is concerned that students select their major with careful consideration and with good knowledge of the range of options.

To earn a Hunter degree, students must complete at least half of their major credits at Hunter.

Major Courses and Hunter Core Courses

A course taken to satisfy a major requirement often may satisfy a Hunter Common Core requirement. However, students are not allowed to take more than two courses from one department or program to fulfill the Hunter Core Requirement (note: English Composition 1 will not be counted as an English course in this context).

More than One Major

Before you declare multiple majors, please consider the following:

Declaration of more than one major may have significant implications for a student; for example, regarding additional time to graduation, professional certification, and/or issues concerning financial aid eligibility. Students are urged to meet frequently with academic advisors, faculty advisors in each major, and financial aid/scholarship advisors before they choose to pursue more than one major.

More than One B.A. Major

B.A. students have the option of declaring more than one major. Students must complete the Hunter General Education requirements as well as the requirements for all declared majors. B.A. students must complete at least 90 Liberal Arts credits to graduate regardless of which major(s) are selected.

More than One B.S. Major

B.S. students have the option of declaring up to two B.S. majors. Students must complete the Hunter General Education requirements as well as the requirements for all declared majors. B.S. students must complete at least 60 Liberal Arts credits to graduate regardless of which major(s) are selected.

Declaring Up to Two Majors between Different Undergraduate Degree Awards

Undergraduate students may declare up to two majors between different undergraduate degree awards (for example, combining a B.A. major with a B.S. major). Students who wish to complete the requirements for two majors from different degree awards have two options to achieve this.

One-degree option

In cases where a student completes the requirements for two declared majors from different award designations, the student may be awarded the degree associated with one of the two majors. Only one degree with one major will be awarded. For the identification of the second major, a notation of completion of all of the requirements of the second major will reside in the transcript permanent comment section. This is a minimum 120-credit option.

Two-degree option

Students who complete the requirements for two declared majors from different degree awards may opt to receive two undergraduate degrees and two diplomas. In order to be awarded two degrees, such as a B.A. and B.S., students must complete at least an additional 30 credits in residence beyond the standard 120 total credits required for a bachelor’s degree. This is a minimum 150-credit option. It may take students five or more years to complete this option.

Note: Students enrolled in the Thomas Hunter Honors Program may declare up to two majors between different undergraduate degree awards, at least one in a B.A. field, in addition to the Special Honors Curriculum major.

Important considerations

With either option, students must complete the Hunter General Education requirements as well as the requirements for all declared majors and complete all degree requirements from both degree awards. Degree award requirements may differ with respect to number of required liberal arts credits or minimum required cumulative grade point average. For students with majors in two different degree awards (e.g., B.A. and B.S.) the following applies:
• If the degree awards have a different number of required liberal arts credits, the student must complete the higher number of required liberal arts credits.
• If the degree awards have different requirements for minimum cumulative grade point average, the student must earn the higher required minimum cumulative grade point average.

Double Counting Between or Among Multiple Majors

Courses may satisfy the requirements of more than one major. Double counting between or among majors occurs when a student uses a course or courses to count towards the credit requirements of more than one declared major. When double counting is allowed, the student does not need to take additional courses to reach the required number of credits in the major. A student is allowed to double count courses between or among majors if and only if such double counting is allowed by all the majors for which the student has declared and towards which the credits apply. If any department or program for which the student has declared a major and towards which the credits apply does not have an approved policy that allows double counting of courses between or among majors, then double counting is not allowed. The student who uses the course(s) to satisfy the requirements of more than one major must take additional courses as approved by the major department(s) or program(s) to reach the required number of credits in each major.

Double Counting Between Majors and Minors

Courses may satisfy the requirements of both a major and a minor. Double counting occurs when departments allow a course or courses to count towards the credit requirements of both a major and a minor. When double counting is allowed, the student does not need to take additional courses to reach the required number of credits in the program. A student is allowed to double count courses between majors and minors if such double counting is allowed by the minor program, except when such courses are also used to fulfill the Hunter Focus requirement. If a minor program does not have an approved policy that allows double counting of courses between majors and minors, then double counting is not allowed.”


Hunter College is concerned that students select their major(s) with careful consideration and with good knowledge of the range of options. For students who are nearing the 60-credit point and remain undecided about their choice of major, there are a number of avenues of assistance. Designated faculty advisors in each academic department can inform prospective majors about their undergraduate programs and related career possibilities. Also, the advisers in the Office of Advising and Career Development Services can offer assistance in choosing a major.

Each department has advisers to help students with such matters as course content, when a course is expected to be given, how a course is conducted (lecture, discussion) and the textbook(s) to be used. Students may want to discuss majoring in a subject before they make their official decision or to inquire about graduate schools. Majors should see the department advisers frequently to discuss their interests.

Hunter College
695 Park Ave
NY, NY 10065